Information for Our Parents

Information for Our parents

These pages provide information helpful to parents and to everyone associated with the school. They include our School Policies and the Statutory Information we are legally obliged to provide. We have a very active PTA Committee and hope you will find the information in the PTA section useful.
Parents by becoming a member of the Paulson family , must learn to have respect for the PBIS family, if there are need for discussion it have to pass through the normally channels , the school will not tolerate the idea of gang up by parent to tarnish , the image of the school, there are laid down rules and regulations that guide the school and all parent must abide by such, the school have formulated its ethos , its aims and objectives and can not be so changed by Parents association take notice.
PTA  is not a forum to test one’s ability in politics School is like a church as such not a political ground, the main aim of having PTA in a school system are clear and will be found in PTA constitution. School academic excursion is compulsory for all students  and there is termly fee for all Excursion which must be paid at the first day of resumption .
There is also a fixed price for graduating pupil and students , which is not negotiable, it is normally paid at the start of the second term, to allow for effective planning
On no ground would a child be allowed into the school premises without full payment of all fees
Tuition, Medical, Computer, Excursion, Development levy  , inter House sport etc.
Any parent disrespecting the school authority or it’s representative , shall have his or her child expel from the  school system,
The ethos of the school is to foster a cordial relation between the school , staff and pupil/students and parents alike in the light of the above the school will not tolerate , any form of bullying, victimization ,harassment and discrimination either way .
It is the duty of the parents to give a detail information of his or her Childs medical history, Photo and image ; as it is obtainable in other independent, we use the photo and image of your child for promotional materials such as website and prospectus , the address of your child will not be displayed.

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